consecutive games record 意味
- consecutive consecutive 連続 れんぞく
- games games 遊技 ゆうぎ
- record 1record n. (1) 記録; 経歴, 履歴, 行跡; 前科; 成績. 【動詞+】 assess President Reagan's
- consecutive-games record 《スポーツ》連続試合出場記録
- set one's consecutive games record 《野球》連続出場記録{れんぞく しゅつじょう きろく}を作る
- pitching in consecutive games pitching in consecutive games 連投 れんとう
- take the mound in consecutive games 連投する
- three consecutive games 三連戦{さんれんせん}
- set a record for the third consecutive month 3カ月連続記録を打ち立てる
- overall record in summer koshien games 夏の甲子園通算成績
- assure someone of a losing record for a second consecutive tourney 《相撲》(人)の2場所連続{ばしょ れんぞく}の負け越しが決まる
- post a losing record in two consecutive tourneys 《相撲》2場所連続{ばしょ れんぞく}の負け越す
- first gold medalist in consecutive olympic games in the lighter weight divisions 軽量級{けいりょうきゅう}で初の五輪連覇{ごりん れんぱ}を果たした金メダリスト
- consecutive consecutive 連続 れんぞく
- games games 遊技 ゆうぎ